Do not worry. We have trained more than 3 lakh students over the last 15 years. Our expert trainers and our Curriculum has been design to make your child confident in speaking English. We will make your child FLUENT in English.
Learn from the best in the field
3 Month's live classroom training
Our Panel of trainers are certified and the Best in the country
Set of Books to improve your vocabulary and practice concepts learnt in class
Mobile App with 150+ Videos for lifetime practice
Cambridge University assessment and certification at the end of the course
In this course, our trainer emphasizes a lot on conversation practice. We have course material which will. Improve the student’s vocabulary and focusses on the Grammar foundation as well with lots of practice exercises. The unique curriculum has been designed as per the student’s standard and their fluency levels.
national skill development corporation
National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology
Retailers Association's Skill Council of India
Telecom Sector Skill Council
Every child must be able to unlock the full potential of their capability and achieve highest level of success. We will be an enabler of Success.
Fluency Now is the spoken English training brand of India’s leading education group Speakwell. It is a 15 year old Company and has trained more than 3 lakh students who are speaking fluent English now. We are an Authorized Training Partner of NSDC (Govt. of India). With over 100 branches across India, we are one of India’s largest training brand.